Giancoli 7th Edition textbook cover
Giancoli's Physics: Principles with Applications, 7th Edition
DC Circuits
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19-1: Emf and Terminal Voltage
19-2: Resistors in Series and Parallel
19-3: Kirchhoff's Rules
19-4: Emfs Combined, Battery Charging
19-5: Capacitors in Series and Parallel
19-6: RC Circuits
19-8: Ammeters and Voltmeters

Question by Giancoli, Douglas C., Physics: Principles with Applications, 7th Ed., ©2014, Reprinted by permission of Pearson Education Inc., New York.
Problem 28

Determine the magnitudes and directions of the currents in each resistor shown in Fig. 19–56. The batteries have emfs of ξ1=9.0 V\xi_1 = 9.0 \textrm{ V} and ξ2=12.0 V\xi_2 = 12.0 \textrm{ V} and the resistors have values of R1=25  ΩR_1 = 25 \; \Omega, R2=68  ΩR_2 = 68 \; \Omega, and R3=35  ΩR_3 = 35 \; \Omega.

  1. Ignore internal resistance of the batteries.
  2. Assume each battery has internal resistance r=1.0  Ωr = 1.0 \; \Omega.
Problem 28.
Figure 19-56.
a) I1=0.02 A, right. I2=0.12 A, left. I3=0.10 A, up.I_1 = 0.02 \textrm{ A, right. } I_2 = 0.12 \textrm{ A, left. } I_3 = 0.10 \textrm{ A, up.} b) Darn, I forgot to answer this in the video. The process to solve for part b) is exactly the same as what's shown for part a). Since the internal resistances are in series with the resistor in the same branch as the battery, the only difference compared with a) is to add one more ohm to R1R_1 and to R3R_3. R1=26ΩR_1 = 26 \Omega and R3=36ΩR_3 = 36 \Omega. This doesn't make any difference to the final answer after you round to the correct number of significant figures, so the final answer is the same as for part a).
Giancoli 7th Edition, Chapter 19, Problem 28 solution video poster

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By jamesswaggernaut on Tue, 1/19/2016 - 4:35 AM

theres a part b i think you neglected to answer ;)

By Mr. Dychko on Tue, 1/19/2016 - 5:50 AM

Hi jamesswaggernaut, darn, you're right. The process to solve it for part b) is exactly the same as what's shown for part a). Since the internal resistances are in series with the resistor in the same branch as the battery, the only difference compared with a) is to add one more ohm to R1R_1 and to R3R_3. I've made a note about this in the quick answer, and thanks for spotting it.

Best wishes,
Mr. Dychko

By lareinedesreine on Tue, 3/29/2022 - 7:31 PM

i did the same thing and still get a wrong answer

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