Giancoli 7th Edition textbook cover
Giancoli's Physics: Principles with Applications, 7th Edition
Rotational Motion
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8-1: Angular Quantities
8-2 and 8-3: Constant Angular Acceleration; Rolling
8-4: Torque
8-5 and 8-6: Rotational Dynamics
8-7: Rotational Kinetic Energy
8-8: Angular Momentum
8-9: Angular Quantities as Vectors

Question by Giancoli, Douglas C., Physics: Principles with Applications, 7th Ed., ©2014, Reprinted by permission of Pearson Education Inc., New York.
Problem 25

Calculate the net torque about the axle of the wheel shown in Fig. 8–42. Assume that a friction torque of 0.60 mN0.60 \textrm{ m}\cdot\textrm{N} opposes the motion.

Problem 25.
Figure 8-42.
1.2 N m-1.2 \textrm{ N m}
By barnettlenworth on Wed, 4/29/2020 - 8:15 PM

Hello Mr. Dychko, the units your are using resemble those for energy, N*m. The units for torque are reversed, m*N.

By Mr. Dychko on Wed, 5/27/2020 - 3:41 PM

Hi barnettlenworth, thank you for the comment. You're quite right that Netwtons times meters makes units of energy - Joules. However, it's nevertheless typical to write units of torque as Nm\textrm{N}\cdot \textrm{m}, and it's understood that since J\textrm{J} isn't used instead, that Nm\textrm{N}\cdot \textrm{m} represents torque.

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