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This is Giancoli answers with Mr. Dychko. One square meter of solar panel can produce 40 watts of power. And times that by 24 times ten to the three watt hours per day of the requirements for a typical house. And then times by one day for every nine hours and you see that the units work out here nicely to get a square meters and hours cancel there and the days cancel there and the watts cancel there and we're left with 66.67 square meters or about 70 square meters of area required for solar panels. A typical house, typical house might have a thousand square feet area. And let's assume it has a flat roof to make our calculations easy. And… and and times it by one meter for every 3.28 feet squared to convert it into 92.95 square meters. And so yes the panels will fit because the total roof area of 93 is greater than the area required for the solar panels of 70.