Problem 30
a)10m/s210 \textrm{m/s}^2
b)3.3m/s3.3 \textrm{m/s}
Giancoli 6th Edition, Chapter 4, Problem 30 solution video poster

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By Cgmingo on Sun, 11/27/2011 - 7:47 AM

What happens to the 720N force the sprinter is exertimg downward on the block.

By Mr. Dychko on Sun, 11/27/2011 - 5:23 PM

Hi Cgmingo, thank you for the question. The 720N force applied on the block by the sprinter is... on the block, which is why it doesn't appear in the free body diagram of the sprinter. This force is important though, since the reaction force, applied on the sprinter due to the block, IS what appears in our free body diagram of the sprinter.

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