Problem 20
5.2 m/s5.2 \textrm{ m/s}
Giancoli 6th Edition, Chapter 3, Problem 20 solution video poster

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By mmikkonen07 on Wed, 10/14/2020 - 11:54 PM

Thank you for helping me not fail physics

By Mr. Dychko on Fri, 10/16/2020 - 4:44 PM

Hi mmikkonen07, I'm really glad the solutions have been helpful!
Best wishes,
Mr. Dychko

By jamesmontyorourke on Wed, 11/4/2020 - 3:58 PM

Hi there Mr. Dychko
I am really finding these solutions helpful. It is super clear and concise and follows on logically to the next step. Just one question regarding the other problems in the Giancoli books. There is also ‘Questions’ and ‘General problems‘ section at the end of each chapter. The answers to these questions are not at the end of the book. I was wondering if you knew where one could find answers to these. Thank you so much. With love from Ireland

By Mr. Dychko on Thu, 12/3/2020 - 11:09 PM

Hello, it's wonderful that I'm getting international subscribers! Greetings back to Ireland! In the faq I mention "It would be enormously time consuming to also answer all the "General Problems" so I'm limiting coverage only to the regular "Problems", of which there are still more than 1700. If you need help with a "General Problem", my suggestion would be to try and find a regular "Problem" that is similar to the "General Problem", and see if you can apply the same problem solving technique."
I'm not aware of where one can find the General Problem solutions, although Chegg might have them.
All the best with your studies,

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Giancoli Answers, including solutions and videos, is copyright © 2009-2025 Shaun Dychko, Vancouver, BC, Canada. Giancoli Answers is not affiliated with the textbook publisher. Book covers, titles, and author names appear for reference purposes only and are the property of their respective owners. Giancoli Answers is your best source for the 7th and 6th edition Giancoli physics solutions.